Vinyl Memories

Some years ago, we hi fi enthusiasts used to glory in our massive collections of 12 inch vinyl disks. They glistened in inky blackness with intricate patterns of grooves. You could truthfully READ the score of crescendos and soft passages just looking at the wonderful analogue textures on the record surface.

Added to that of course was all the wondrous alchemy of styli, moving magnet (moving coil?) cartridges, tone arms, belt driven turntables and phono pre-amplifers. It was all endless fuel for argument, refinement and unadulterated bu@&%#it. (sigh) A fabulous era which has sadly passed into geek history. Helluva shame!

Blue Ray disks and their sorry blackboxes are all so frightfully boring by comparson - however marvellously they actually sound. Still .... vinyl disks could indeed be beautiful. You can't take that away from me, at least.

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