Groetjes van Sinterklaas

- Greetings from Sankt Nikolaus.
This blip is for my dutch blipmates. They are celebrating Sinterklaas and "pakjesavond" (evening of the presents). So Sankt Nikolaus brings the presents with his helpers, the black Pieters. 
Have fun!

There is a big discussion and even a international judgement, that black people should not be shown stereotypically as stupid helpers. Seemingly racist incidents increase in this time of the year. 
There was the idea to get colourful Pieters, but a part of the people strictly refuse any change. (We got in big problems because of our Chistmas card last year with the traditionalists in the family). This year the discussion in the public escalates and the radicalism on both sides begins to destroy this traditional celebration for the children. 
It's complicated. J. works for an US company. He got in big trubbles, because our anti-racism Christmas card was called racist... Obviously it was against black peope helping Sinterklaas...

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