It wasn't really a day for outside photography (more on that later) so I decided to go for the #festivefeatures tag. So here are some festive "tulips" created by Jan (HarlingDarling) in a newly polished vase on our windowshelf.  In the background you can see the snow and the rain running down the windows. It felt good to be in the warm and dry, though soon I would be outside...!
Yesterday I blipped my ski outing and how beautiful the snow was. In all honesty I should also cover today's other side of snow.
In the night it snowed and with a thick layer of new snow the world did indeed look beautiful. Then the temperature went up 8° (!) to +6°C, and the snow turned to rain, lots of rain, rain that is still falling as I write. I was outside for two hours clearing wet snow. As I cleared the parking place large clumps of soggy snow fell from the trees, landing on me! When I came in I was very wet and tired. That snow is heavy to clear!
So even snow has it's dark side!

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