Christmas Tree

Ozzie doesn't seem to be too bothered by the fact that we decided to commandeer the spot where his bed usually commands a view of the front door for a Christmas tree. In fact he's camouflaged himself quite nicely....

We're not sure which decorations we're going to get out. 
The tree is much smaller this year, which spared us the usual struggle to get it into the house.
And It was a lot easier to move Ozzie's bed than half the furniture in the library....
We should be sipping egg nog and decorating the tree 
in front of a roaring fire....but neither thing really appeals to us....
 I don't really like egg nog and we've had enough of roaring fires....

The fires that began in Ventura a couple of days ago have now made their way down to Northern San Diego County where my brother lives. He called this evening to say that he and Meg are fine, but the conflagrations in the state are definitely rattling my cage...especially since they are being driven by the same high Santa Ana winds that make everything all the more unpredictable and nerve wracking.

It should be raining by now....

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