the making of.....


today I spent bloody ages some time shredding herbs for a big load of spitzimixi tea - my world famous (in a very small part of the world) tea mixture.
If you don't know it yet, I'll tell you now - stinging nettles still sting after being totally dried.
We also spent some time celebrating Mr Spitzi's dad's 69th birthday. I made lots of immature suggestions about what one can give someone for their 69th birthday but managed to keep myself under check in the restaurant and just spend my time looking through the window into the kitchen to pick up cooking tips.
I'm getting used to being the awkward bugger in restaurants and I'm always interested to see what they do with it. Today was particularly frustrating/hilarious as the idea of not eating tomatoes was too complex for them - I asked for the starter I wanted but asked if I could have it with a different salad dressing instead of the tomato dressing. When I ordered the main course I mentioned again that I didn't want the grilled tomato, so I thought I'd made my aversion to tomatoes fairly obvious - but the starter came with tomato dressing as it was already mixed, would I like the other dressing just tipped on top?, double salad dressing seems a bit much anyway but the idea is that I don't eat tomatoes. OK, would I like a different salad - a mixed salad? NO, I'd like a green salad, just leaves please but WITH THE FISH. So, I got a leafy salad - without fish, with a little jug of SUSPICIOUSLY RED dressing, which I refused to eat and the whole thing was decorated with a TOMATO!!!!!! Hells bells.....

The main course was, thankfully, devoid of decoration or vegetables and was very delicious and Shish gave me some of her Jimi Hendrix cauliflower, so we were all happy. And I gave the birthday cake a miss, mainly because I think that Blackforest gateau is about the grimmest thing ever invented.

Children have been introduced to 007 - seems like killing people is fine with them as long as one knows that it's a baddy. An obvious storyline seems to be the way to go.

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