Hon in Edinburgh

By honined


I don't really know why, but I felt quite determined to get a decent portrait today. It may be because I spent the morning knee deep in nettles taking arty pictures of frosty leaves and so already had a potential blip in the bag.

I took a picture of a couple promoting a fruity soft drink, then one of them asked if I had not already photographed her before. No real surprise and kind of inevitable really, but I really couldn't remember her. It turned out that when I last saw her she most definitely was not wearing industrial overalls, nor a helmet and, more importantly, had a different hair colour. I think I got away with that lapse in memory. She and her colleague were wearing backpacks of water tanks containing the said soft drink, and squirting free samples for passer-bys to try out. We said it must have seemed a cool idea in some advertising agent's office, without them quite appreciating the weight of carrying some 10 litres of fluid on your back all day long.

Earlier I asked this subject for some poses. She said she's studying photography and (more worryingly) is a resident of blip. I told her my honined 'blip name' so I hope she finds and approves of this picture. Thank you again for being so patient.

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