Baby, it's cold outside

When I decided to be an angel lying in the snow, I didn't realise just how cold it was to lie down in snow.  If I had known, I would have put a few more clothes on.  Especially as SHH decided to try out different ways of creating a beautiful image of an angel lying in the snow on our lawn...

I warmed up eventually!

The rest of the day has been to do with moving very heavy bedroom furniture into what used to be my old bedroom at Mom and Dad's.  Needless to say, Mom got very upset and mithered as she did not understand what was happening, so I spent a great deal of time explaining, explaining, explaining...  She thinks she has got to move bedrooms and I am trying to convince her that she hasn't got to do anything she does not want to do.  I am a bit more flavour of the month now, 4 hours later, but she definitely didn't like me very much at all at certain parts of today.  I have also been putting little notes around and the details of mom's routine so that when the carer starts coming in on Tuesday it won't all be totally  without explanation as to where things are.  Mom is very routine orientated when she gets up, and although she doesn't remember what she's got to do, if you try to get her to do things that aren't in the routine, she will soon tell you that there's something else to do first...  Very strange.

I have begun to start thinking about writing Xmas cards.  Maybe tomorrow. Turkey for lunch tomorrow.  Practising for Christmas Day...

From the Angel in the Snow, who is expecting to have even more snow to lie in tomorrow...

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