Where the Light Gets In

By DHThomas

Pinhole on a bright day

turning back in time
to basic photography
pinhole and sensor

The simplest form there is, really. You just let the light get in, and rely on the smallness of the hole for  focus. Obviously I should try and make a new pinhole lid (I can't very well call it a lens, now, can I?)...

As our landlady wants to sell the flat when we go, she said that she needed to have photos taken of it. Of course I said I'd take them for her. So I dusted and moved things about in the flat the whole afternoon to take "show flat" photos - as close to that as possible in a flat that's actually lived in, anyway. I've now sent them and am waiting for her feedback. She might want photos taken from angles I haven't thought of...

Quiet evening - I have started rewatching the Harry Potter series. I'm at #4, HP and the Goblet of Fire. I feel like a little boy again in this universe. JK Rowling really did write a genre masterpiece, I think. And the directors/actresses and actors/special effects artists who took on the task of putting it to screen haven't done a bad job of it, either!

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