People on a Bridge

By zerohour


We attended a show at the centro cultural flamenco. Gosh, these guys were good! They asked no photos were taken during the main part, so this does not exactly represent the furious energy of the event.

Earlier, we walked the old town guided by a lovely young woman named Maria, ate paella and roasted vegetables, and kept a long list of things to do tomorrow.

I was struck by how common-sense life seems here. Women look their age, and have "normal" figures. Men wear hats, and lift them when greeting people they know. People we saw drunk alcohol with their meals, but didn't get drunk. Portions in restaurants are reasonable, which seems to result in much less food waste. Recycling bins are available commonly on the streets. I don't know, things just seem to have a coherent logic to them.

The city/region has also seemingly made hesitant peace with its troubled past, complete with uneasy relationship between the Christians, Muslims, Romas, and Jews, and current seeming harmony with Spain, and Europe at large. These are, of course, just my shallow impressions, and I could be very wrong.

More fun tomorrow!

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