
By Arachne


On Friday we interviewed for the person who will take half my unsustainable job from me. As a result I didn't have time to work on the project I am wholly responsible for which has a deadline this coming Thursday for reporting in minuscule and absurd detail to the funder. I should have made sure as we went along that we photocopied the reams of 'evidence' that prove we're doing what we are supposed to be doing but it's ridiculous and I'd rather focus on the people we're working with so I didn't..

Since the rest of this coming week is entirely committed either to other work or to personal things I will not give up, I was in the office for seven hours today checking files, photocopying papers, stapling them in the right order and sticking post-its on the bits where clients need to sign. 

If the new person does not make my working life more reasonable I shall be heading for the holes in the fence.

Black and white in colour 147

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