Some Days

By Euphemist

Three Mouse Mouse

This is Mouse.

Big Mouse

In previous blips I have called her Kitten Mouse, or Mouse the Kitten, but as you can see she is not really a kitten any longer (although some of her teeth are!)

Also in a previous blip I said I would prefer to be her rattly ball than her blue mouse. I would not like to be a real mouse around here.

Our garden backs onto a large field, full of barley until recently and the mouse population scattered when it was harvested. Sadly for them some have scattered our way and Mouse has developed a taste for the real thing. She now has a three a day habit.

Arriving home from work, yesterday, Euphlingwas in just before me. He was very perplexed.

"Dad?" he asked, "How can the cat get out when all the doors and windows are locked"?

"She can't, son," I replied. "Why?"

"Well she has got out, caught a mouse, and brought it back in. She was playing with it on the living room floor!"

Poor Euphling. So innocent in his pristine, organised world, where all the mice live outside!

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