life through glass eyes..

By Steven

A little bit of my world..

I often get asked why i take photo's.. Or if i'm just trying to be a hipstep.. Or dumb shit like that.. Truth is, i just like taking photo's.. I have tens of thousands of photo's on my computers.. I'm obsessed with symmetry and shapes, i see things and i fascinate on them until i figure out what i like about them.. I over think absolutely everything in life and my brain goes a bit mad sometimes.. Why that matters?? Because photography for me is a way of searching and finding what i like.. shapes that make me excited.. Things that stimulate my brain and make me happy.. Helps me release. I was thinking about it today and decided to go out and take a photo to help explain what i mean.. This photo is my world.. My companion that comes with me everywhere.. Myself taking in the lovely view and thinking thinking thinking.. While my camera does what it does best and captures the moments for me to remember. I could ramble on for days but i won't.. Welcome to a bit of my mind..

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