Living in Manchester

By Theboysmum

Sister stuff

Today would have been my littlest sister's 46th birthday.

The photos are from a collage that hangs in #3boy's bedroom.
My favourite is the one on the top right. It was taken with our dad (in his vest, in the garden, much to my mother's disgust!). Clare was about eight months pregnant with #3boy.

The coaster is one of a set of hers. It is very apt!!

Our Clare was a very inteligent, funny, loving woman, with a phenomenal memory.
She was also a damm fine pastry chef.

Bi polar disorder, antipsychotic medication, electroconvulsive therapy and some pretty traumatic life circumstances all took their toll on my lovely sister but she was strong and brave through it all.

Miss you so much Little Sis xx

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