
By memento


The shadows are getting stretched long again, as the days are getting shorter. The largest one is the garden is almost to where it stops before the sun turns back again.

Our former neighbors in Texas are bragging about their sunny, warm days and the things in bloom. They're rubbing it in, in fact; the scumbags. They're buying us some of that very specially labeled pug wine though so I have to endure it.

This was the noisiest day of construction next door thus far; a constant, rapid-fire THACK, THACK all day as they stapled the roof felt and then nailed the asphalt shingles. Even ear plugs didn't quite drown out the base rhythm of the nail guns. Every staple and nail means progress though and I'm not complaining. Really. Just keeping a noise diary. Not to be confused with a nose diary. That's what I kept last year, although not on blip but on a calendar-to keep track of every sinus infection and head cold I had from October-April, which was...a single one that lasted from October-April. I was convinced I had mono or Lyme's disease but of course I didn't.

A.n.y.w.a.y. enough about me. How about those VP candidates squaring off in a debate tomorrow night; my guy and the Lemur. Making popcorn for that one too.

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