Great Spotted Woodpecker

There’s little snow left on the ground and a constant drizzle fell all day but Mr Snow stands proudly still by the gate. The roads are clear so Peter and Tony had no travel troubles although my Pilates class was cancelled. This was probably a good thing as I have had some nerve irritation since the drive home from The Lakes.

This young male is very wary and takes off if I so much as move my arm towards the shutter, even when both camera and I am inside the kitchen. Other birds don’t notice me but I had to be very quiet and slow moving to capture this one.

He likes the peanuts but won’t land on the feeder if there are ther birds there, even if they are the tiny long tailed tits, albeit numerous. The nuthatch was also a frequent visitor today and I spotted a thrush on the ground at one point in addition to the usual blue tits, great tits, robins, chaffinches and dunnocks. We are lucky to have so many garden visitors.

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