Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

Big Bird

Mr. Mole and I headed north across the border into Canada this morning. Our first stop was at the showroom/headquarters of Euro Rail Hobbies, where Mole bought a locomotive to haul his Orient Express coaches.

After lunch at an excellent Indian restaurant with a long-time friend of Mole (and more recent friend of C and me), our next stop was the Lee Valley tool and hardware showroom.

The tools sold by Lee Valley are very expensive, but you get what you pay for -- they are superb. Although I had already placed an order online for a few things, I wanted an opportunity to get my hands on some more of their products. I was a little disappointed to find that most items were displayed behind glass, although the staff were willing to fetch items from the stockroom on request.

We made two more stops before returning across the border. The first was a liquor store, which had a surprisingly good selection of Belgian beer. Even more surprisingly, some of the prices were lower than back home. The last (but not least) errand was a grocery store visit to buy some real marmalade -- Scottish and English.

The photo was taken outside the liquor store in an area of new development, on the former site of the Olympic Games, adjacent to False Creek

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