Constant Exposure

By constant

Emma Approved

Holly doesn't mind what she wears to bed. Emma, on the other hand, well... lets just say that she'd rather cut off her arm than wear PJ's she doesn't absolutely love. In fact, Emma would live in her PJs if she could, and a lot of the time she does. It's very serious business. We've actually had to wait for PJs to come out of the dryer before we could go to bed.

The PJ's modeled here by Emma are her Emma Approved (tm) PJs. Her particular favourites are the top left "cup cake" PJs. The ones she's sporting are actually new. The old pair are completely worn and holely. We were very lucky to find the new ones on sale and bought two pairs at $5 each. This way we can wash one while she wears the other. She also picked out the other three pairs you see. I can't tell how relieved Kim and I are now that we have 5 pairs of sanctioned PJs for Emma to choose from. No more bedtime dramas for us. Yay!

Anyway, I thought a special blip to commemorate was in order. I know there was other, some might say more important, things going on today that will have an impact of the future of the world, but here in night-night land calm and harmony have been restored.

Now if only we had Emma Approved Vegetables we might actually achieve world peace.

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