
By Beewriter

Ten Four, Good Buddy!

I like truckin' and I like to truck! We cracked open the Yorkie Bar on the way to Uppermill as Billy Blood Drop took to the wheel and put the hammer down. 

Sue and I had originally planned to go early to Uppermill and have breakfast in a cafe there, but it was freezing cold and the roads were icy so we headed into base and bought breakfast in the canteen there. As we went Oldham way everything was white and the temperature dropped. But, by tonight it was sleeting and then raining and it was a few degrees warmer. 

I had taken a few Christmas accessories out with me and Billy Blood Drop and donors enjoyed dressing up for a pic on Billy's page. I will take him to Dukinfield tomorrow and then sneak him back under the tree in PG. I shall print out some pics and make a display in the reception area. 

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