Not the best picture...but I was branching out into manual which is a little scary! I was also using the other of my two lenses, which I haven't used much yet.

20 week scan this morning. All looking lovely and well from what they can see, so very pleased about that. They also told us the gender but we are keeping it a secret! I am ready to burst already though! But there are a lot of people who don't believe I can keep a secret so I'm out to prove them wrong!

Once we had been home and let Daddy sleep for a while (he's on nights, didn't sleep from yesterday until after the scan today!) we headed over to see Louise, Rose and Maisy.

So all in all, a nice day. Apart from Amelie's post bath tantrum....she hurt herself getting into the bath and that combined with tiredness just sent her over the edge. Eventually she asked me for help with her falling down jammies and then gave me a cuddle and said she was sorry. Then she promptly fell asleep!

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