
An amazing day for my little superstar. Today was their first performance of Peter Pan - to the school and some of the parents. She had a marvellous time! She loved the mini celebrity status of having all the big kids coming and telling her how great she'd done.

We'd taken her friends to school this morning and they were all so hyped about the panto. We took little brother home from school and he was hilariously bouncy and hyper. We popped in to see them for a little bit before coming home.

At home, I had a talk with Katie. Today we learnt that following her October audition, katie has gained associate membership of the national children's Orchestras for 2018. This means she joins their regional Northerlies orchestra in January. I am hugely proud of her, it's massive for a little one who auditioned aged 7 after 19 months of learning the clarinet. I am as proud of her for being delighted with herself and not having a second of disappointment at not getting into the age-band orchestra this year. Associates is wonderful and I am so proud; B is so proud and thinks it's perfect for this year. Such a massive big well done to my gorgeous girl.

The final bit of the day was the arrival of our church travelling nativity. We had a lovely time with the couple who delivered it, enjoying some time exploring the nativity & sharing Christmas biscuits. Katie then had fun playing carols to welcome the nativity and arranged them under the tree, along with her own nativity figures.

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