
I only had one class today but, as I said yesterday, it has been moved to Thursday.  The roads might still be slippery and very dangerous, and I wasn't about to put my life, and my car, on the line for just 90 minutes or so.  Instead, did some work at home, and then, when the sun came out in the afternoon, decided to drive to the old house and empty the mailbox, and then did my errands at my still favourite supermarket.

On the way there, I made sure to take shots, and then I took another route going back home and took this shot.  I even caught the sunset (extra).  The smaller roads in the countryside bordered on dangerous, but I already knew that and just drove very, very slowly, and on the dikes I stuck to the middle of the road as I couldn't see where the road ended and the ditch began.  Altogether I was gone for almost three hours.  Such a nice drive it was!

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