I've Won!

When this arrived in the mail I almost threw it out.
Even if it had said "You've Won" on the outside I probably  almost certainly would have. 
But there was nothing about a prize. It just resembled the usual advertising brochure.

Something made me read it a second time  and I decided it was worth a phone call just to confirm it was a hoax.
Apparently it's not. 

I hope not anyway as I have booked tickets to Broome and also return ones which I did have to pay for as it only covers 2 direct flights return, or 2 sectors each (which it is in this case) one way.

Mr isbi went to Broome many years ago and I have  never been. 
It's on a remote part of the northern coast of Western Australia and he said he wouldn't want to do the long, boring drive from Perth again.
So we thought we might as well take advantage of having half the airfares paid and make a quick trip there next May. 
The year is already filling up with a couple of reunions to attend so we can't spare the time for a more extended trip to the south of WA which we will save for another occasion.

This is far and away the most valuable thing I have even won, and I didn't even know I was in the running. 
Must have happened automatically when I scanned my loyalty card once.

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