
By atoll

What Happens When Demand Outstrips Supply

Apple may be finding things tough supplying enough iphone 5's to feed the surge of public demand, but this pales into insignificance with the great curry leaf blight at our house at the moment as we leave summer behind.

I wrote yesterday about the pesky Thrips infection, and lots of kind advice and queries received back about the curry leaf plant led me to want to blip the darling little baby today - Oh that and my internal views taken today of the redundant factory unit in Stoke-on-Trent were not quite so interesting in hindsight as first thought (Not that this is madly interesting, but it is all relative!). The main reason though was to proove to MrJohn, the plant was for eating, and not smoking.

Most of the leaves lost have admittedly been picked and then cooked-up, but some have also fallen after wilting due to the Thrips (though these were also cooked!) You can see we are down to a few rich pickings on the top only.

The good news though, is that the simple spray yesterday seems to have done the trick. A major repot and feed is now in order this weekend.

The desperate pampering of this plant, reminds me of two films: First is Jean Reno character's much-loved houseplant in Léon; and the second is Kevin Kline's character Luc Teyssier's smuggled grape vine in French Kiss. Not that relevant I know, but great films both!

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