Family 6

By meganrose

That face

Is one we see often. Full of cheekiness and giddy as a kipper.

Sabina's 30th birthday weekend is coming up. Life keeps reminding me it is passing by all too quickly. This week an ex celebrated his 40th too. I still can't imagine getting there, even though it isn't too far away really! He is in for a super year, with a wee bairn on the way. The eternal batchelor has been tamed.

On Facebook a girl (Should that be woman?) who I met whilst on holiday in France at the tender age of 12 has contacted me. We met when I was 12 and she was 14 (ish) and every year our families returned to the same site and we would spend the summers together. We would write - real letters, like you did in those days - sending the letters off to Holland and eagerly awaiting the response. Our parents kept in touch, but I guess somewhere along the wy we got on with our lives and fell out of touch. Now she writes again - 'What have you been up to for the last 20-25 years?'. It seems so long but I suspect we will take off where we left off all those years ago.

So, this weekend we return to where James and Sabina married. Last time we were there Jane was with us too. She shared the same cottage and it was filled with laughter for the full 48 hours. This time we will laugh lots too, and celebrate all that we have acheived and all that we have lost. We will raise a glass to the future and remind ourselves that without the past we would not be the people we are now. And we are all pretty amazing, I'd say.


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