Frosted Perovskia atriplicifolia

'They' say things run in threes!  Certainly true of today!  When I was leaving in the car I noticed the young lad from No.1 looking a bit distressed. Seems he had been let out of school early, and his mother wasn't home and he couldn't get in.  Too young at 14 to get the key of the door obviously. He declined to come with me in the car, but said he'd wait for his Mum. Then a long queue at traffic lights due to road works  -  many impatient drivers were then doing three-point turns and turning round. Just in front of me a driver who was maneouvering a turn was bashed into by a driver who had completed his!  You can imagine the scene that followed -  they were both to blame really.  Both of the drivers should have taken it a bit slower to make sure what the other was doing. I left it for them to sort it out between themselves as there was a big lorry looming behind me and peeping his horn. As if that wasn't enough there was a another catastrophe at the Argos Car Park.  It was PACKED, but I did find a narrow space. I found myself about six inches between my driving side and the driving side of the next car!  Tried manoeuvering  to get a better position but each time I seem to close the gap. Found I couldn't get out of the space with out scraping him! Panic. Decided to leave it - post my parcel and return to scene. The other driver hadn't returned thank goodness  -  after a great deal of trying I managed to get out of the space. What a relief!  When I got home the sun was shining on my Perovskia atriplicifolia  -  it was a lovely welcome, and just had to be my blip for today:)  I've played with it a bit for the main blip  -  you can see the 'straight-out-of-the-camera' version in my extra. You can see it in bloom HERE!

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