Look What I Got....

.....from my Secret Santa.
There is only one gentleman in the craft shop crew and I was lucky enough to have him as my secret santa. The only rule is that all gifts must be hand made,  There was so much talent sitting round that table. The standard of gifts gets better each year.  In the summer we all go out for a meal and draw names out of a hat, to see who we have to make a gift for. This gives plenty of time to think about the person and what they might like.  These gifts are all so personal. D's  hobby is woodwork and he makes some gorgeous things.  He made himself a guitar earlier this year, which was so beautifully done. As we open our gifts in turn there is great merriment as the recipient has to guess who made their gift.  It was easy for me, as only D could have made this fabulous bird house, I was so pleased with it.
I thought you might be interested in what I did for my gift for S, who is such a talented artist about to send off uni applications to do an arts degree.  I decorated a sketch book for her.  I think she was pleased with it. See extra.

I back blipped yesterdays abstract is you have time to check it out.

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