
By JackyMT


Went to Templenewsham today, and there were several squirrel's chasing about and a couple of pwople feeding them with nuts so they were grabbing the nuts and racing up the tree's to sit and eat them I couldn't get close and only had my phone with me but I got a shot or two, picked the best and cropped it to get the close up. That's why it's a bit blurred.

It was very cold and slippery in places but sunny until around lunchtime when Mr Sun went for a sleep and stayed hidden.

I went up to Friday Feeling it was the last one until after Christmas, it was party night and all the mums and dads came and little brothers and sisters who were normally too young to join plus some of the chapel people. We played several games of Snowman, 4 people round a table, and we all have 4 small gifts, you throw a dice and its the usual 6 for a body 5 for a head 4 a hat etc. and the two highest scores on a table after someone has got a complete snowman pick a gift out of the two losers bags then give the losers a gift out of their bag at the end of the night you still have 4 gifts but not the ones you started out with, the kids love it. Then a supper of goodies to choose from.

One of the ladies who came brought a video the other week to show the children, of the sky dive she did at which she raised £1,700 shes in her 80's

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