Happy 65th birthday Dad

Hope you have had a lovely day.

My Mum, Dad, Big Papa, Aunty Margaret and Uncle Billy went for lunch to celebrate at the Eglington Arms. Jessica and I joined them for half an hour after I collected Jessica from nursery.

Earlier today it was "Open Hour" in the school. This gives the mum/dads/grans etc etc to visit the classrooms while the children are working. It is really nice to see what they are doing but for me I am limited to only spending 15 mins with each one and 5 mins to move to the next one!! Granny came with me this morning....hope she enjoyed it too?? Katie didn't want us to leave her classroom and I had to tell Granny to leave the class so that I could "hand her over" to Mrs Toman! She is a little minx sometimes is our wee Katie!!

We have discovered that Katie has a veruca so off I went today on to get Bazuka and socks for the water.

School's out now for the October week and right on cue.....the rain has started!!!

Johnny has a party tomorrow at 1 til 3pm.

2 years ago today 2 of Big John's friends and work colleagues were travelling in the van and on their way to work on the A9 and heading up north to a windfarm at the Hill of Towie. The driver of a big yellow tipper truck made the decision to pull out in front of the van causing our van to hit the tipper truck with tragic consequences. Roy done nothing wrong all fault lies with the other driver. Roy died in the accident and Norrie was very seriously injured.

We remember every minute of this day just like it was yesterday. We are thinking of Donna, Rebecca and Young Roy on this very emotional day and always.


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