
Made the rest of my Christmas wreaths that I'll be giving for presents today. Ouch! Blister on my thumb from the glue gun.

Picked my bruised friend up and took her to the cinema to watch the old black and white film with James Stewart. "It's a wonderful life" at the end we sat still until everyone had left and I was shocked to see how many people left all of their litter on the floor. It's a small town cinema, the people are local and fairly well to do. Why do they think that it's ok to do that? They've got pockets and bags? I wished I'd ran to the front and said before any of you leave would those people that have thrown their rubbish on the floor pick it up, including the plastic glasses that you've drank your mulled wine from and were asked to return to the bar or trolley outside instead of trampling all over them. Rant over. Maybe next time I'll be brave enough to do that.

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