Christmas Party

Today was the Meantime Christmas party. Arrangements were complicated slightly by the fact that I needed to go to Preston, this morning, to be interviewed for the Innovation Agency. There was a chap with a couple of video cameras and lady who was doing the interview. In the end, we all done in about three or four minutes, much to their surprise. 

Not that I'm some kind of TV natural but I think nearly six years of writing this blog has helped me to organise my thoughts quite quickly when I am telling a short story plus performing 191 - one hundred and ninety-one! - editions of #electronicears has helped me to speak as clearly and coherently as I'm ever likely to when the red light is on. Anyway, they were pleased enough with the results and I was happy to head back to Kendal for the office party. 

We headed over to Giannis, which is the only restaurant in Kendal that really appeals to me, serving reliably good Italian food. We've all been working together now for years - even our newest recruit has been with us two years - so the atmosphere was relaxed and chatty. I wish we got out as a group more often but only a couple of us live locally, so this was a bit of a treat. 

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