pebble underneath my feet

By anjali

so far i've not really stayed in touch

Had such a great day in school....did loads of outdoor learning, which is always nice as it brings out the best side in all the kids in my class as well as me I guess. We did the nature's palette activity where they have to find all sorts of colours in the wildlife garden by rubbing natural objects. Afterwards, one of the boys in my class who has issues most days of the week, said that nature was a "wonder" to him and how it was a really special place. It's amazing how the most hectic kids just magically calm down when they're outside. It made me feel really glad to be doing what I'm doing.

After overdosing on vitamin C tablets, I decided that I would go out for tea tonight so went to this cool lil Japanese restaurant near ours with my flatmate Vicki and our friend Chris. Had a really cool evening and finally feel like I might not be ill anymore - just in time for the weekend! Delicious food, amazing decor and more of an insight into a fascinating culture (Chris used to live in Japan) have all convinced me that I should book a flight to go there during the Easter holidays. Why the hell not I say?!

The blip is from the restaurant - funny seats and a giant kimono.

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