Finished . . .

. . . at last!

As we were passing Brougham, we decided we had to go and see the finished bridge and check that it was now open. As the best place to see it is from the below the castle, we went into the castle reception and out to the gate to the castle. I think the lady there is now used to us going in, showing our cards and then saying we are only here to see the bridge. She came out with us and said how wonderful it was now to be without all the machinery around the place. And how nice to see people walking across, able at long last to take the walk that goes over the bridge, a popular route for locals. 

They have certainly made a good job of the repair. It looks a bit strange at the moment, as ,although they used sandstone, it had to be new sandstone. It won't be long though before the new weathers and blends in with the old. The river is looking quite high at the moment, but that bridge now looks as if it will withstand anything and still be there for a long time to come. Two years ago it was, that the bridge was damaged by flood water, but now it is back in use. Excellent work. 

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