Garden robin

After a fine start, the day quickly became overcast. Pete and I went down to the Boardwalks to gather material for a wreath, as I really wanted to make my own using local products, rather than buying something over-priced. We found plenty of material and I spent the rest of the morning weaving the supple stems of golden willow and deep red dogwood into a base, and then adorning it with hazel, birch, ivy and teasel heads. I then added some red ribbon for a splash of colour - it was not necessarily the neatest of wreaths, but it's certainly unique and looks good on the front door!

First thing this morning I'd spotted a couple of redwings eating our Cotoneaster berries, and though I'd taken a record shot through the window, I wanted to see if I could get a bit closer. I found a couple of places where I could lurk with my long lens, but every time I got settled one of our cats came and found me, miaowing loudly. I quickly gave up the unequal struggle, and took a quick shot of one of our two feisty resident robins, who isn't the least worried by cats or people, before going back into the warm house to do some work.

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