
By snailspace

Oh, my aching thighs

We decided to skip the forest and instead walk along the cycleway by the side of the lagoon today. Sounded lovely but unless we did a lot of miles, it was an out and back walk.

However, we could make a circular route by including the forest... and so we did just that. We set off via the forest so that Nell could run off some energy before we hit the road and put her lead on.

The problem with the forest is that the roads are made of deep soft sand. Bad enough if flat but really, truly hard work when they are a continuous switchback of steep ups and downs. I exercised muscles that I didn't even know that I owned.

The second half of the walk was on tarmac... flat tarmac, and came as a great relief. It was pleasant by the water and I spent time admiring the unknown (to me) plants and trees (many of them in flower) and enjoying the several close encounters that we had with some large Grey Heron.

Unbroken sunshine today, no coats required, and the washing that I left on the line was dry by the time that we returned.

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