An Artist's Life

By MariB


Our new neighbors are a lovely family of Mennonites. E & J and their brood of 5 are just delightful. I didn't know much about this religion, but Mr. Google and I have delved into enough information so as not to offend. For instance: when one of the boys came to install a new faucet for us, M hugged him and he flinched. The rule is: women can hug male relatives, but outsiders cannot. We can hug the woman and girls to death...and we do. They are the sweetest kids.
They brought their church members to our house last night for Christmas caroling. I couldn't back up far enough to get them all in, but there were about 30 members on my patio. They brought us a fruit basket and we gave them warm chocolate chip cookies. 
A lovely night of brotherhood and bliss.

No....I will not be changing my Pagan ways.

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