An emotional day

Today has been a VERY significant day in my life.

I went to pick up my Renunciation Certificate from the Pakistani Consulate. Only I had a bit of a meltdown when I received it. 48 years I have identified myself as a Pakistani (and I still will continue to) but when the lady took ALL my passports, that’s when I really lost it. I knew they were going to take them, but I just didn’t know how that would affect me. All the stamps from the various places I’ve visited, they’re all gone! Just memories and pictures now. But that’s okay. I left the Consulate in tears, and arrived in Martin’s office and bawled for another 5 minutes. I really hope this is a good thing.

So for a whole 2 hours or so, I had no nationality, until I went across to HK immigration (all within 3 mins walking distance of each other ... Consulate, Martin’s Office, HK immigration, how incredibly convenient!!!).

So from one renunciation certificate to a certificate of naturalisation as a Chinese citizens. Yes, a bit of an emotional roller coaster day. Ben was with me when I received the latter! And took this pic of me waiting for it. Next step, new HK ID card and then passport!

Here’s to my new life as a HK citizen. Exciting stuff.

PS. Extra is one of those cool exercise pianos at Fashion Walk. I didn’t have a go, as I was racing!

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