Wet View from the Train

Hope springs eternal in the human breast, but any lingering hope for a drier day today, was eclipsed this morning when morning hardly dawned even by 8am, and the sea and the sky merged into one huge greyness with the rain heavy and soaking.

It was a relief to get on the train and head home.

The beautiful vistas enjoyed on the way up, were today obscured by rain and low mist. Any near hills visible, were beribboned with regular vertical streams of water and waterfalls flowing into the lochs at the foot.
It wasn't until we reached Helensburgh that the rain stopped and we had a view to look at out of the window. Even then, there were flooded fields and roads after 24 hours of rain.

I'm so glad we had that wonderful weather on the way north to admire the Scottish countryside at its best, because we would have been short changed today.

Little did I know that the lovely sunset I photographed on Wednesday was the last time I would see the sun for several days.

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