
By Beewriter

Team of the Year 2017

After the atrocities at The Arena in Manchester in May, the Manchester team were nominated for Team of the Year....and we won! Some of the top dogs went along to the ceremony to receive the award as we were in the middle of a big MHRA inspection, but today two of the top men came up to Manchester to congratulate us and give us a pat on the back. We have been on the BBC and ITV news, although I haven't seen that, but we heard it on the radio this evening. Of course the TV people only went to the static sites and didn't come out to the session. 

Mike Stredder came to Swinton where we were working and thanked us for all our work. We were in our Christmas tops and had another lovely lunch...oh so much food.....he stuck a party hat on and delved into the meat and potato pie lol. It was a very busy evening and I am shattered now.

I am so behind on comments and I will try to catch up soon. I must sleep now as we have a very early start tomorrow. 

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