compared to this, we are all just amateurs

Shish came along with me to Germany today. Mainly because strapping her in a car is a good way of keeping her from doing other things that are less welcome. We played I Spy all the way there and discussed various interesting and important things, like cats and crops and tractors.

Once there, we popped to the post office to sort a few things out and post some parcels and, also, we needed to pick up a parcel - the first 4 seasons of The Big Bang Theory, which I am going to start watching tonight :-))))

In the post office, Shish decided that she was going to Spend Some Money. So, she looked very carefully at every item on sale. Mr Post Office, a very, very nice man, asked her if she was looking for something "yes" she said. "What are you looking for?" he asked. "I won't know until I've found it" she replied.

It turned out that what she was looking for was a battery operated tit that sings when you walk past it.

As I say, we are all just amateurs.

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