Gale Forced

On the way home from a late shop, the sky lit up and we stopped to enjoy the wind and the sunset.

Big Boy and Girl.

This photo is a real triumph of technology over stupidity. I let my "proper" camera run flat so I had to use the funky old iPhone 3. Emailed to the iPad, Snapseed edit. Emailed to the Mac, tiny bit of Photoshop edit. Upload to Blip.

In the evening we all watched "We Bought a Zoo" which is just right - not too soppy, not too adult, not too unbelievable, very feelgood.

That was my antidote for the bad news today - our favourite teacher didn't get the permanent position at the Primary school so we've lost a teacher and a friend. That makes me angry, but if the school can't understand what a talent they have there, it's their loss.

Sadly it's our loss too. Good luck Helene, you're a star.

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