
By BellesMa

Secret Santa

A busy last day of term today. My class were very grateful for their hot chocolate and Rudolph cake, which we enjoyed together as a treat in class, rather than me giving them a gift to take away. We mostly played games and watched the end of the TV adaptation of David Walliams novel, Mr Stink and did a big tidy up of the classroom, all ready for the new term.
This afternoon was spent with my friend, Bernie, spending some of that bar tab we won a fortnight ago in the pub quiz. Then it was home to do some cleaning (the housework has been piling up) and watch a Christmas film as a reward for B(who was a great help with the housework) and I.
Tired now, and it's only 9 o clock!
One of the things I got from my Secret Santa today was this fabulous, sparkly G for my tree, which I love.

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