
By tlde

Three Sisters

I am going to wrap up this journey from Australia and New Zealand with The Three Sisters in the beautiful Blue Mountains.  One of the reasons we decided to go on this trip in the first place.  My husband’s sister and her daughter are both married to Aussies and we have three Great Aussie Nieces- who now live in Boston.  For years we have been trying to visit and even though no family was there when we were there,  it was high on the bucket list.  The nieces  said  if we saw nothing else we had to see the Three Sisters in their honor.  And so we did  The next day was shopping etc and I frankly got tired of having a camera.  

Thank you for all your stars and comments as I back blipped our journey of a lifetime.  For those of you who live in Australia and New Zealand- thank you and your countrymen  for your hospitality.  Enjoy the beauty and good nature of your countries.  For those of you who have never been, put these places on your bucket list.  Upside Down is wonderful.  

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