Rough As Rats

It’s now confirmed - I have Man Flu.

I woke this morning feeling dreadful, having slept fitfully due to the pain when swallowing. Clare told me to “pull a sickie” but as sure as Day follows night when Clare catches this from me she won’t go sick either, it’s not the way we are built.
During the day whilst working I didn’t feel too bad, it’s when unoccupied I feel ‘rough’.
Tonight was the RNA Christmas Raffle with over seventy prizes on offer. Josh accompanied me and was well received, lots of Shipmates spoke to him and all are genuinely pleased at his progress.
As with all raffles in which I buy tickets of all the glorious prizes on offer Josh won a jig-saw, Clare a box of biscuits and I - a diary!
Home and an early night following hot lemon and paracetamol.

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