Ghostly visitor

We enjoyed entertaining friends and neighbours at lunch time today, and it was good to have Jem and Mikki to lend a hand. The people that came have met before and they all chatted away easily. I was pleased that I had decorated the house and the room looked lovely with a roaring fire to greet them. I'm not sure whether we are expecting anyone else over the Christmas holiday, but I am pleased I made the effort for this one occasion.
Most of my friends know of my blipfoto project and keep up with my entries. Today all agreed that the picture cast by my glass of wine would be a fun blip. A tiny Father Christmas, complete with hat and beard amused us all! A slight jog of the table made him wriggle his beard! Simple pleasures!
Coco was confused by all the people and started the visit on the top of a chest of drawers. (See extra) Later she disappeared upstairs and buried herself under the duvet. She is usually very sociable, and the visitors today included three of her favourite people, Jeremy and two friends called Martin.

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