The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Reluctantly Shopping

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Sooooo, the ‘just drink through it’ may not have been sound medical advice. I managed to escape a hangover but The Eldest Mini Princess and I are feeling pretty grim with the lurgy. Mary Doll and Victor came for lunch and Mary Doll insisted that we went to buy most of the food for Christmas day. The idea of this was about as appealing as sticking needles in my eyeballs as I tend to find that doing any form of shopping together does not bring out the best in our relationship*. Despite my best impression of a sulky teenager as we headed out of the door, I’m really glad she made me do it so I can park myself in the sofa tomorrow for the entire day.


*I once hid from her in a clothes shop as I had got to breaking point!

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