
By acr83

Holiday style

Today after presents and breakfast with Nana and Poppa we headed off to the airport ready to head to the Gold Coast for a week. The airport was the ultimate playground for the boys. It was pretty quiet so they just ran riot until boarding time. The flight was rough (literally thanks to massive turbulence and emotionally thanks to the boys not enjoying the seatbelt sign being in for 3/4 of the flight thanks to aforementioned turbulence). I knew one of the flight attendants which helped a little. He gave us free movies.

When we landed Elliott insisted on pulling his own suitcase through customs and would not be carried. The poor man obviously needed to stretch his legs.

Driving from Brisbane to the coast was an experience. I'd seen in the forecast that there would be thunder and lightening. I didn't realise that when that happens over here, it is full on. We were driving at 30 down the motorway, everyone with their hazard lights on. It got so bad that we had to pull over for about 20 minutes because we couldn't see a thing with the wipers on full. We had a couple of strikes that seemed to be right on us. One even thumped on the roof of the car. Having not really had any rain in Christchurch for the last couple of months, we drive through about a years worth in one go!

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