Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

Happy Christmas from the Shibden Valley!

The greatest gift you can give anybody this festive season is your time, your love, your attention and your care. I've been blessed with all of the above throughout the day, and the season, and feel very lucky indeed.

A lovely day which, as is traditional for me, didn't really follow the typical conventions associated with Christmas!! Just how I like it! :-D The day began with a cuppa in bed followed by a quick little spin with my Dad. It's great to be on empty roads and say Happy Christmas to dog walkers also out and about.

Gift opening throughout the morning and early afternoon before a Shibden Valley stroll and back in for a cuppa with a Polly Jigsaw. Her Mummy helped her to make a jigsaw of herself for me which was my gift this year. What a thoughtful Bichon!

Simple, quiet, peaceful and spent with those I love the most be that physically here in Yorkshire or via phonecall and WhatsApp to those in Troon. I couldn't want for anymore. :-)

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