and through the wire...

By hesscat

I Whistle A Happy Tune

Well that was a turn up for the books... a set of Christmas Crackers that kept us in hysterics for an hour or so.! We were round at the Ps for Christmas Dinner (yum) and the set of 8 crackers had a differently tuned whistle in each one and along with the supplied instructions, we had about 15 songs that if we played the different whistles in the right order, a happy tune came out. It of course needed a conductor to point to the correct whistlers at the right time... and I am sure for some people a finger pointing in the general direction was enough for a toot.

I reckon we recognised about 3 tunes, some, despite knowing the tune, were just a shambles! Usually we are nail clipping or shoe horning our shoes on after a cracker sesh!

Merry Christmas to all!

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