More new PJs

This morning some more playing with the new toys, then happily the weather was conducive to biking practice on the prom at Cramond. CyclopsJnr appeared to have consolidated his learning overnight, as that was it he was properly off. He has no issue with the pedalling or stopping but the starting is a little more tricky for him. This morning he was starting unsupported about half of the time. The limiting factor was cold as we didn't want to put gloves on him while he was learning the brakes. So we headed home after a little while, but having warmed up in the car cyclops dropped CyclopsJnr and MrsCyclops off round the corner and CyclopsJnr biked the last bit home.

Then, taxi into town for lunch with Granny and Grandpa and Uncles N and K. More babyccino! 

Home for a nap and playing in the house.

Then some cycling in the dark in the street. Extremely confident, starting by himself, no close supervision needed. Even now showboating as usual!

Bed time, for more new PJs and the third (of a packet of 10!) new Paddington books.

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