Under Starter's Orders.

As ever on such occasions one tends to be spoilt for choice.
I think it must be the Star Players front and centre though.

I have never seen such a well-ordered unwrapping.
As soon as the paper came off Dad purloined it, crumpled it and sailed it across the room into a waiting Cardboard box.
There was even a half-time refreshments period, devoid, thankfully, of anything as mundane as 1/2 oranges. (I wonder if "they" still do that?)
* ~ * ~ * ~ *

The extra. . . . is NOT to use up my last "Extras".
It's a record for history.

We left the shop in 2008, for a diversity of reasons:-
Not, by any means least was Alice's health; when she "took bad" in '07, we didn't realise until weeks later, Doc. hadn't expected her to survive the trip to Carlisle A&E.
Then - we were both over 65 (66 & 67, disregarding part years) & "legally" eligible to retire.
At the point in the lease, (3 years into 2nd 10) where we had a "get-out" clause.
 So we did.
What I didn't know, was that I'd get an excellent Christmas present I can't show you - YET; wrapped in the last of our Shop's wrapping Paper. I dodged the temptation to keep a bit out of galloping nostalgia.


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